Order Details
Every cookie from At Your Service Creations is custom made and detailed by hand by cookie artist Kimberly Davey. Here are a few things to know about ordering your perfect cookies.
A. Prices start at $5.75 per cookie and can be more depending on detail required and number of colours. Because every cookie is hand drawn or designed discounts are not offered on prices for larger orders. While wholesale maybe considered if a standing order of a certain number is established
B. There is a minimum order of 12 cookies, except special promotions
C. Please order at least two weeks in advance as my calendar fills quickly.
D. A dozen cookies has a max of 4 different designs (images).
E. Cookies do contain allergens such as wheat, egg, dairy and may have come in contact with nuts and tree nuts.
F. Cookies can be made gluten free, dairy free or egg free. But please note the same kitchen is used even though very special care is taken to avoid cross contamination.
G. Refunds ARE NOT OFFERED on deposits or prepayments but credit may be provided under special circumstances to be determined at the time.